10 Ways to Keep your Heart healthy

Do you know Cardio vascular diseases are the leading cause of deaths in world? This silent yet lethal disease has surpassed all types of cancers in killing people. Each year almost 18 million lives are lost to heart diseases; which is 31% of total deaths in world.

Previously heart diseases were linked with old ages but now heart diseases are increasing at alarming rate in young people too. News of people in mid 20s and 30s with heart attacks are so common now. It’s high time we start taking care of our hearts before it gets too late!

Keep risk factors at bay. High blood sugar, high blood pressure, high levels of blood cholesterol, obesity, sedentary lifestyle are few risk factors of heart diseases. An overall healthy lifestyle with balanced diet can minimize all the risk factors.

In this blog, lets prioritize our health and take a sneak peek to ways making our heart healthy and young. With some efforts we can ensure better heart health-

Put restriction to sugar and salt
Both sugar and salt are essential to inject taste to food, but excess of any of these can be threatening to our health. Consider healthy substitutes like jaggery, honey whenever possible.

Cut down on saturated fat
Fats are essential for body’s functioning, but we need to be cautious of what type of fat we are eating. Saturated and trans-fats (LDL-low density lipoproteins) are bad for our heart; while good fats (HDL- high density lipoproteins) protects our heart from arteriosclerosis. HDL reduces LDL and further protects heart from damage.

Avoid refined grains like refined flour, white sugar, white rice, deep fried foods, chips, margarine etc
Include fatty fishes, nuts, whole grains dark chocolate, eggs to boost HDL

Include more heart friendly foods in daily diet

Vegetables, whole grains, fruits, fish, nuts are good for heart. Fishes have omega 3 fatty acids which protects heart and many other organs. Include fishes, walnuts, flax seeds, oats, avacados in diet.
Cut on red meat and processed foods.
Use less oil for cooking, choose better options like steaming, grilling, boiling.
Use cooking oil with more mono-saturated fats and less trans-fat. Always read labels of food products before purchasing.

Stop smoking
Smoking is associated with increased risk of clogging in arteries and lower HDL (High density lipoproteins i.e. good cholesterol). HDL protects heart. There are additional risk of high blood pressure and development of blood clots with smoking.

Quitting smoking reduces risk of heart attack to half within a year. Avoid both smoking and passive smoking.

Reduce alcohol intake
Some studies show that very small amount of alcohol is good for heart, but the disadvantages of alcohol are must bigger threat. Alcohol damages liver in long run and causes weight gain, which is certainly not good for our heart.

Reduce stress levels
Stress is a very potentreason of high blood pressure and heart diseases.

Practice breathing exercises
Yoga and meditation may help reducing high blood pressure
Enjoy family time and indulge in hobbies and relaxing activities
Take regular vacations and rejuvenate yourself
Enjoy a good self- motivation book to keep negative energies at bay
Always focus on keeping positive attitude towards life

Exercise daily and keep your weight in check
Exercise is not only a blessing for heart health but is beneficial for your general well- being. Exercise prevents many lifestyle diseases like type 2 diabetes, obesity, PCOD, etc.

Regular brisk walking or jogging is very good for heart health
If, you are not a fan of hard-core gym, do whatever exercise you like. Swimming, dancing, aerobics also are very good form of exercise.
Exercising in open air boosts metabolism and keeps weight in check

Refreshing and adequate sleep
Refreshing sleep decreases the risk of both heart attack and brain stroke. People with sleeping issues have high level of cortisol which is linked with heart diseases

Limit your screen time, put off all social media at least 30 minutes before sleep. This ensures calm mind and drifting to sleep quickly.
Take minimum of 8 hours sleep
Listening to slow songs before sleep in dark and cool room helps in falling asleep fast

Dental care
One might wonder how dental careis linked with heart health; well periodontal diseases are linked with heart diseases. Bacteria from mouth can infect heart too.

Brush your teeth twice daily
Floss your mouth regularly
Consider visit to dentist at least once a year even if you have no dental problems. Prevention is better than cure.

Regular health check ups
Regular monitoring of blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels may diagnose many heart problems in initial stages and may prevent damage to heart.

If, you have any family history of heart disease be more vigilant with your heart health. Having any first degree relative with heart diseases put you at very high risk.

But with adequate measures you can beat the disadvantage of genetic predisposition of heart disease.

Noteworthy Pros and Cons of the React Native Framework!

Why does every next-gen organization want to leverage mobility solutions today? That’s because the mobile apps have become the fast-track solution to influence the audiences. So, every company wants a dedicated mobile app.

But the real confusion arises when it comes to the choice of the right framework for mobile app development. As there are a vast number of competent frameworks available in the market, selecting the right framework becomes challenging.

What if there exists a promising framework that helps to design top-quality apps with fewer resources?

The Name of such a framework is React Native and is developed by Facebook and Instagram. React Native mobile app development is preferred by several big players in the market like Facebook, UberEats, Delivery.com, Skype, Bloomberg, Instagram, Vogue, Tesla, etc. to name a few. Javascript and JSX are used to create IOS and Android native apps. With the help of native layout components, React Native is able to create convincing UIs that are pretty much similar to native apps.

Reusability of components, sharable code repository and, “Learn once, write anything” objective, have already made React Native a winning choice for cross-platform app development. So, if you are going to build your next app with this framework or going to hire a React Native development company for your project, this blog will help you to make an informed decision. Here’s a list of some noteworthy pros and cons of the React Native framework.

Pros of using React Native for your Mobile App

Time and Cost-effective Solution

React Native app development allows the re-usability of the code i.e. the same code is being used for both Android and iOS platforms. As Javascript is used for development, it gives an opportunity for the developers to use the same codebase not only for mobile platforms but also for React web applications. This makes the job smoother, faster and easier for developers. Targeting multiple OS with one code reduces the coding time by 30-35% approximately. A single team can code for multiple platforms. As a result, team-size is reduced and the project becomes manageable.

React Native has ‘ready-to-apply’ components. So, instead of writing the code from scratch, the React Native app developers can use these components and save their efforts. All these factors boost the cost-effectiveness. The app can be launched in the market at the earliest, improving the time-to-market.

Modular architecture

This framework has a modular architecture. It allows the developers to segregate the functions of the code into the blocks called modules. These modules are interchangeable and free and they can be re-used for web and mobile APIs. Due to this, React Native mobile app development becomes flexible, and updating the apps becomes extremely easy.

Native App-like Performance

This framework uses native modules and native controls, which enhances the performance of the apps. The apps built using React Native render their user interface using the native APIs. Consequently, the performance of these apps is quite native-like.

Growing Community- Support

React Native is an open-source framework and anyone can contribute to its growth. This community of talented and experienced React Native app developers helps anyone and everyone who needs a piece of advice on an issue. It has active support from GitHub and Facebook. Facebook itself uses this framework and their team constantly works to introduce new features, functionalities, libraries as well. Also, companies like Microsoft, Callstack, Infinite Red, Software Mansion, etc. have made their contribution to React Native.

Good Reliability and Stability

Despite being a new framework comparatively, it is much stable and reliable. It has simplified data binding due to which child elements do not affect the parent data. So, if a developer changes any object, s/he would need to modify its state and then accordingly apply the updates, letting only allowed components to be upgraded.

‘Hot-reload’ feature

This is another precious feature of React Native. If a developer makes changes in the code or tweaks the UI, it immediately reflects in the apps, like a live preview even if the apps are running. The developer does not need to rebuild the app for every small change made in the code. It enables the implementation of feedbacks faster and reduces the wait time.

Third-party plugin support

Third-party plugins are usually not considered to be secure and so, the developers face challenges while using them. React Native, on the other hand, has many third-party libraries that are quite flexible and can be used swiftly. Also, there are pragmatic interfaces in React Native having customization options.

Simplified User Interface

React Native looks more like a JavaScript library and not a framework, where the user interfaces are simplified and platform-specific. So, the apps designed in React Native are more responsive and have a smoother feel.

Declarative coding style

The declarative coding style in React Native simplifies the coding process and coding paradigms which makes the development understandable. The code can be easily read and understand, simply by looking at it.

Cons of using React Native for App Development

Small Collection of Components

React Native is still in its infancy. Though it has ‘ready-made’ components to use, the collection is small. Some of the components may even not meet the expected standards, as they aren’t developed by official developers. This limits the developers to create simple basic apps. For developing an app with custom native-like features, one might have to maintain 3 codebases like react native, iOS, and Android.

Memory Management

React Native is based on JavaScript and not suited for the apps that are computation intensive. In terms of memory usage and management, float computations are handled inefficiently and the speed and performance are significantly degraded.

Need for Native Developers

To solve some of the issues in React Native, native modules are required. However, implementing them requires expertise in Java/ Swift/Objective-C and detailed knowledge of a specific platform. So, we can’t deny that occasionally, some help from native developers may be needed. This could be problematic especially to small enterprises or start-ups.

Lacks the Security Robustness

Being an open-source framework the security robustness of React Native may get affected. While creating data-sensitive apps like banking or financial apps, experts advise that this framework should not be used as it is based on JavaScript which is known for its instability.

Isn’t Ideal for All Business Requirements

React Native is known for saving time and money, however, it may not suit every business requirement. At times, when complex features are required to be used in the apps, React Native may not be the apt choice.

Key Takeaways:

React Native has been one of the most sought after frameworks for mobile app development. Though it has its downfalls like every other framework, its advantages surpass the downfalls. Also, the huge React community growing at a fast pace is highly likely to develop more efficient and advanced components and functionalities, making it ‘THE BEST’ framework in the future.

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What Are the Development Approaches In Xamarin Native And Forms?

Any organization thinking about building apps seems for the finest tool and methodology if you want to deliver and increase the great. When it comes to cross-platform development tools, Xamarin, indubitably, is the gold standard.

But choosing and choosing making apps in C# and Xamarin is just now not enough; the next desire being between Xamarin Native and Xamarin Forms.

Should one target-specific platform UIs with Xamarin Native or write a single XAML UI with Xamarin Forms?

This choice may be even harder in case you are new to the platform. So, let’s assist you in solving this complexity!

What is Xamarin Native?

Xamarin Native is wrapped around the standard Windows, Android, and iOS platform APIs that allow apps to be written in C#. It helps you to create cell apps for a couple of platforms with a native interface and for that reason is also called Xamarin Native.

The real platform functionality is carried out through the use of Xamarin iOS and Xamarin Android and offers the Xamarin developers access to iOS SDK and the Android SDK, respectively.

If you are looking to develop mobile applications in Xamarin, then Hire Xamarin app developers in USA to create a top-notch mobile application.

Xamarin Native is high-quality for:

Making interactive applications
Creatively designed apps
Multi-platform API development
Where UI is essential than the coding
Why Use Xamarin Native?

Animation & Complex UI: If your application has a complex UI and several in-depth graphics, you will ought to opt for Xamarin Native if you want to make certain greatest performance.

Xamarin Forms shell offers a convincing UI framework for a clean decision-based form which is totally based through the app flow.

Highly dynamic content can be higher desirable for an app that’s coded in C# with Xamarin but designed at the local structures in Xamarin iOS and Xamarin Android.

Native UI: When developing a person interface for a selected platform, there is no doubt that it should observe the platform layout guidelines.

The most common mobile operating system – Android and iOS – have essential differences in layout in navigating elements, notifications, bars, buttons, toolbars, etc.

If the created software product uses these elements with Xamarin Forms, then choosing of Xamarin Native is actually an obvious decision.

What Are Xamarin Forms?

It is an array of instruments that helps in creating cross-platform apps. Xamarin forms control of the application development process and makes great cross-platform solutions.

Now, before moving further into specifications, allow us to have a look, “Which Xamarin technique is best for your app?”

Xamarin Forms are first-rate for:

Xamarin Forms can be used for:
Accessing Data handling apps
Making MVPs and app prototypes
Developing a single-platform function app
Where coding is essential than UI
The above information shared here is after comparing Xamarin Forms and Xamarin Native as per the app necessities. To make this choice crystal clear, let’s talk approximately their specifications.

Why Use Xamarin Forms?

Timeframe & Budget: Money and time remember the main factors earlier than growing an app. If a task desires to be implemented as soon as possible (for example, if an MVVM is created), or if the budget is limited, Xamarin Forms might be the only possible way out of the situation.

Update & Maintenance: Since Xamarin Forms shares nearly all the code for all 3 platforms, it turns into pretty clear that preserving and often updating the application is lots easier. This is mostly because all of the updates should be completed on one single code.

Faster Development: Xamarin Forms concepts will let you build Android, iOS, and Windows programs quickly. It uses basic additives that are to be had on all structures like Buttons, Textfields, Spinners, etc. In addition to it, it gets rid of the need to learn all the local UI frameworks and consequently leads to quicker development.

Development Approaches In Xamarin Native And Forms

Xamarin permits working with a single, shared C# codebase, thereby slicing down development time significantly. This makes Xamarin’s future very bright!

Xamarin platform lets builders create and proportion app common sense for entering validation, database interactions, web service calls, backend integrations, and other functionalities; UI code is written the use of MVVM frameworks for every platform separately.

“When you use Xamarin Native, the level of code sharing is best up to 75%. With Xamarin Forms, the extent of code sharing will increase to 95%.”

Unlike Xamarin Native, Xamarin Forms permit developers to create and percentage an unmarried UI code for all platforms. As a result, the improvement cycle is faster with Xamarin Forms.

The value of cellular app improvement is constantly an essential thing for enterprise enterprises. Choosing cross-platform cell app development is itself a cost-effective preference because it negates the need for constructing local packages for Android and iOS platforms simultaneously.

In the case of Xamarin native, you’ll want a developer with know-how in native UI views precise to all the existing systems. With Xamarin Forms, the learning curve, and improvement effort are minimal, as the app logic and UI code are shared between systems.


Thus, after going through those specifications, it turns into clean that each Xamarin Native and Xamarin Forms have their professionals and cons. Choosing a cross-platform cell app improvement framework is purely based totally on your app necessities and budget limits.

If you are growing a mobile application that requires little platform-particular capability, wherein code sharing is more critical than custom UI, then move for Xamarin Forms.

On the other hand, if you are making plans to create a cross-platform app with complicated designs, specialized consumer interactions, and platform-unique APIs, then its higher to apply Xamarin Native.

Thus, I would recommend you contact the best mobile app development services provider in USA for your cross-platform app-building project.